Mastering the Art of Networking for Business Success

  1. Introduction

The world that we live in is a highly connected place, and your success in business can often be directly attributed to the number and kinds of relationships that you are able to build and maintain. In this article, we will be examining the art of networking and all of the various aspects that come together to not only make someone good at it, but also to make someone who is good at networking be someone who reaps many of the rewards in the business world. We will be looking at a variety of different kinds of relationships, from those that are long-term and very involved – like a relationship where you are mentoring and helping someone out – to those interactions that are often much shorter and we get out of them as much as the other person does – like buying and selling. We will also be taking an in-depth look at the skills and the knowledge that are essential to be successful at networking. This will involve understanding the kinds of people who are in your networks and being aware of the diversity of those people and the unique perspectives that they may be able to provide to you. We will also be exploring some of the tools and techniques that exist to help us to get the kinds of outcomes that we want from our networking efforts. From using things like computerized databases to help us keep track of who knows who and the types of interactions that we have had with people, through to how to effectively navigate a potentially daunting room stacked full of the unknown and the intimidating – the so called successful “networking events” that exist – I will be revealing a host of tips and tricks that can be used to make the most of the opportunities that present themselves.


  1. Building a Strong Network

You might have five hundred plus friends on Facebook, but how many of them really care about what you post or do? And how many of them care about what you know or think? Professional networking is not so different from these social networking examples. You can attend twenty networking events a month, collecting hundreds of business cards, and become “friends” with many people – and it is absolutely possible that you will never do business with any of them. The key in professional networking is to build a network of people who share a common interest with you. In this case, your interest in developing your career and your value within your working environment. This is in a similar way to MBA Groups on LinkedIn. People join because they have a shared interest and purpose. So, the value of the network is not in the numbers but in the quality of the network. Think about it – if you were looking for a new role, would you be more likely to get that role if you had five hundred plus contacts? Or if you had a working relationship with twenty people in your chosen area of work who all know you have a reputation for delivering value in what you do? I would always go for the second option as that is how you build a strong network that will help you grow in your career.


  1. Effective Communication Skills

This article offers several techniques for effective communication, starting with the importance of self-introduction. As pointed out in this section, the first step to build networking is to deliver self-introduction in a positive and proactive manner. It suggests including not only the personal introduction but also the business one. The article offers concrete advice to help readers develop a self-introduction that can leave a positive and memorable impact. I believe this advice will be especially useful for introverted people who might not be naturally good at self-introduction. In addition, the article explains how to tailor self-introduction at different occasions by using different variations. This is helpful because many people might have experienced the situation where they just had no idea how to start the conversation during a networking event. Also, the article offers tips on writing introduction emails which are the follow-ups after face-to-face introduction. I think this can be really helpful for many people in modern days because digital networking has become more and more important for many businesses. The idea of using bullet points to directly indicate the content of the email is especially useful, which can make the email more readable and succinct. On the other hand, the article does not only cover the basics of effective networking, but also offers advanced techniques in communication, such as body language. I’m glad that the article includes this topic because I personally believe body language in communication is very important as it is the key to express feelings and emotions. I appreciate that instead of providing vague and general advice, the article introduces a number of specific body gestures and facial expressions accompanied by detailed descriptions of the meanings behind them. I also like the fact that it includes the possible mistakes that one might make in interpreting body language, which I find really helpful and practical. The section further provides information about different styles of communication by comparing and contrasting passive, aggressive and assertive communication. Last but not least, the art of good questioning and listening is introduced in the article to promote the importance of engagement in networking. The author suggests that open-ended questions should be asked. I totally agree with this point as open-ended questions not only direct and drive the conversation, but it also promotes a sense of inquisition in the respondent, which can effectively create a two-way and meaningful conversation. Also, the notion of respecting and embracing silence until the respondent finishes is particularly helpful for me because I always have the tendency to fill the silence when I feel the conversation may be ended. Learning that silence can make the respondent feel that I respect his or her thoughts is very insightful for me. In conclusion, the author has provided a diverse and comprehensive set of practical strategies and advice throughout the article on effective communication. All of these strategies and advices are explained in great detail and they are accompanied by real examples and scenarios which can help the readers to understand not only what they can do to improve their communication skills, but also why they work. I think the article successfully keeps a good balance between the clarity and specificity in content, and meanwhile makes sure the readers are not losing their interests.


  1. Leveraging Networking Opportunities

Now that you know how to effectively choose the right groups and events to attend, the next step in mastering the art of leveraging networking is to learn how to engage with others at these events. In her article, Elizabeth Leung offers some fantastic tips on how to navigate events and maximize the amount of networking you can do. First, she recommends setting goals for yourself. These goals might be in the form of a number of people you want to meet, individuals whose contact information you want to obtain, or learning about a new opportunity within your industry. Having set goals can help to ensure that you are making the most of the opportunity to network and not just spending time with people you already know. Secondly, she points out that simply talking to someone isn’t enough. After your initial conversation, make sure to connect with that individual on LinkedIn and send a follow-up email within the next couple days. This helps to solidify your connection and opens the door to further conversation and collaboration. She also recommends that while at events, try to engage with people who have similar goals and enjoy the event just as much as the end result of meeting new people. This shared enthusiasm for the event or activity can help to create a common ground that will encourage conversation and create a natural environment to build new connections. Finally, Leung advises that you should stay relaxed and be yourself. If you are feeling nervous about making connections, it’s not uncommon. However, people are their most responsive when they are spoken to in an honest and genuine way. Try to relax, be yourself, and allow the conversation to flow naturally. This is the best way to make a lasting and impactful connection.


  1. Maintaining and Nurturing Relationships

Where strategies for maintaining relationships are concerned, the most important thing to remember is to stay genuine. Contrived and materialistic interactions become much more obvious over long periods of time, and they may result in the degradation or outright destruction of your relationship. If you haven’t been in contact with someone for a while, the first point of contact is an excellent opportunity to check if you could assist them with anything. Perhaps this could be something directly related to your profession, such as some information or a referral they’re looking for. Maybe a connection you have could be valuable to them. If not, it’s entirely possible that they could have some other need. On the other hand, if you feel that your first contact with someone after a while is simply a gratuitous outreach for your own gain, it’s probably best to wait until the timing is more appropriate and you have something more thoughtful to open a conversation with. Keep in mind that maintaining relationships takes time and effort, and as we go through various stages in our lives, we may find that we no longer maintain some relationships that we used to hold dear. For example, although the connections you made when you were in high school or college were undoubtedly valuable, it’s not realistic to expect you can maintain the same level of contact with everyone. As we progress in our careers and our lives and professional and personal roles evolve, we may have to adjust our expectations and the amount of effort we can put into maintaining relationships. It’s important to acknowledge that this is a natural part of life and to focus on the relationships and interactions that will add the most value to your present and future.